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Karolinska Cardiogenic Shock Days 2025

Stockholm, Sweden
Type of event
Karolinska Cardiogenic Shock

Welcome to Karolinska Cardiogenic Shock Days!
4-5 June in Stockholm, Sweden

It is a great pleasure to welcome you to Karolinska Cardiogenic Shock Days in collaboration with Royal Brompton/Harefield and Barts Hospitals, to be held in Stockholm on 4th-5th of June 2025.

Karolinska Cardiogenic Shock Days will bring together leading experts in this field and it will be a great opportunity to discuss the challenges and the lastest advances in Cardiogenic Shock. 

Emil Najjar, MD PhD

Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, and
Heart and Vascular Theme, Karolinska University Hospital

Registration opens on January 30th 2025


Day 1 | Wednesday, June 4th, 2025

09:00-09:15WelcomeProf. Thomas F. Luscher (UK),
Marcus Ståhlberg (Sweden)
09:15-9:45Definition and SCAI classification Benedikt Schrage (Germany)
9:45-10:15Aetiology, epidemiology Prof. Finn Gustafsson (Denmark)
10:15-11:00Swedish Fika (Coffee Break) 
11:00-11:30Pathophysiology of CS Florian Wenzel (Switzerland)
11:30-12:00Acute MI CS vs. Acute decompensated HF cardiogenic shock, updates from the ESC guidelines for management of Heart Failure and Acute Coronary syndrome
Prof. Finn Gustafsson (Denmark)
12:00-12:30Panel discussion Moderaters:
Emil Najjar (Sweden),
Per Nordberg (Sweden)


13:30-13:55Cardiac Arrest Complicating Cardiogenic Shock Per Nordberg (Sweden)
13:55-14:10Diagnosis: Should We Use the Pulmonary Artery Catheter in Cardiogenic Shock?Prof. Susanna Price (UK)
14:10-14:30Diagnosis: Pulmonary Congestion Assessed by Lung Ultrasound in CSHatem Soliman-Aboumarie (UK)
14:30-15:15Swedish Fika (Coffee Break) 
15:15-15:45Predictors of Survival in Cardiogenic Shock Prof. Ulrich Jorde (USA)
15:45-16:15Revascularization in CS, updates from the ESC guidelines for the management of Acute Coronary syndromeAndreas Rück (Sweden)
16:15-16:45Panel discussion Moderaters:
Prof. Thomas F. Luscher (UK),
Prof. Finn Gustafsson (Denmark)
16:45End of day 1 


Day 2 | Thursday, June 5th, 2025

09:00-09:25Inotropes and vasopressors in CSProf. Lars H. Lund (Sweden)
09:25-09:50Short-term MCS in CS, VA ECMO in CS: real world experience and clinical trialsProf. Holger Thiele (Germany)
09:50-10:15DanGer Shock Trial: Haemodynamic effects and clinical outcomesProf. Christian Hassager (Denmark)
10:15-11:00Swedish Fika (Coffee Break) 


11:00-12:30Workshop: Right-left heart interaction in acute heart failure – a simulation workshop*Michael Broomé (Sweden)

* The workshops run parallel with the program and pre-registration is required to participate.

11:00-11:20LV venting with ECMO, when and how to do it Prof. Susanna Price (UK)
11:20-11:40Building the shock team Alastair Proudfoot (UK)
11:40-12:00Addressing the gender gap in CS trials Prof. Holger Thiele (Germany)
12:00-12:30Panel discussionModeraters:
Prof. Mandeep Mehra (USA),
Prof. Holger Thiele (Germany)


11:00-12:30Workshop: Integrated Ultrasound Assessment of Congestion* Hatem Soliman-Aboumarie (UK)

* The workshops run parallel with the program and pre-registration is required to participate.

13:30-13:50Escalating or deescalating pathway Benedikt Schrage (Germany)
13:50-14:10From ECMO to LVAD or to transplantation, what is the best optionProf. Mandeep Mehra (USA)
14:10-14:30Ethics and Palliative Care in Cardiogenic Shock Sharon Chadwick (UK)
14:30-14:50Surgeon’s perspective of CS Prof. Diyar Saeed (Germany)
14:50-15:15Swedish Fika (Coffee Break) 
15:15-15:35Nurse’s perspective of CS Clare Mellis (UK)
15:35-16:05Future directions of shock treatment Prof. Holger Thiele (Germany)
16:05-16:35Panel discussion Moderaters:
Benedikt Schrage (Germany),
Prof. Susanna Price (UK)
16:35Final words and closure 



Special Guests

Prof. Finn Gustafsson

Prof. Christophe Vandenbriele

Prof. Cecilia Linde

Prof. John Pernow

Prof. Sasa Borovic

Prof. Jacob Hollenberg

Prof. Magnus Bäck

Prof. Hasan Ali Farhan

Prof. Hadi Skouri

Prof. Zviad Kipiani

Dr. Gregor Poglajen

Prof. Nazar Mitety

Dr. Khaldoon Al Hummod


General Information


Registration opens on January 30th 2025

It is possible to participate on-site or online.

Registration fees 
On-site 1,250 SEK (approximately 100 Euros)
Online625 SEK (approximately 50 Euros)


Karolinska Universitetssjukhuset
Solna, Eugeniavägen 3,
Stockholm, Sweden


Prof. Thomas F. Lüscher, London, UK
Alastair Proudfoot, London, uK
Emil Najjar, Stockholm, Sweden

Marcus Ståhlberg
Peter Svenarud
Andreas Liliequist

Program Management Team:
Ruth Amstein
Ann Hallberg Kristensen
Helena Sundling



The Karolinska Cardiogenic shock Days, Stockholm, Sweden 04/06/2025 – 05/06/2025, has been accredited
by the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical education (EACCME®) with 10.0 European CME
credits (ECMEC®s). each medical specialist should claim only those hours of credit that he/she actually spent in
the educational activity.

Through an agreement between the union Européenne des Médecins Spécialistes and the American Medical
Association, physicians may convert EACCME® credits to an equivalent number of AMA PRA Category 1 CreditsTM.
Information on the process to convert EACCME® credit to AMA credit can be found at:

Live educational activities, occurring outside of Canada, recognised by the UEMS-EACCME® for ECMEC®s are
deemed to be Accredited Group Learning Activities (section 1) as defined by the Maintenance of Certification
Program of the Royal College of Physicians and surgeons of Canada.



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