Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Grand Rounds - L. Räber Thu 16.06.2022 E-Learning To replay video
Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Grand Rounds - B. Raman Wed 18.05.2022 E-Learning To replay video
Cardiorenal Protection in Heart Failure: Role of SGLT2 Inhibition Thu 05.05.2022, 02:00 E-Learning To replay video
Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Grand Rounds - C. Antoniades Tue 26.04.2022 E-Learning To replay video
The cardiorenal axis: new horizons in heart failure, diabetes and chronic kidney disease Thu 31.03.2022, 02:00 E-Learning To replay video
How to Reach LDL-C Treatment Targets? A new therapeutic approach by inhibition of ATP citrate lyase Thu 24.03.2022, 01:00 E-Learning To replay video
Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Grand Rounds - B. Prendergast Thu 17.03.2022 E-Learning To replay video
How to achieve new lipid goals in high-risk patients? Thu 03.03.2022, 01:00 E-Learning To replay video
Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Grand Rounds - T. McDonagh Wed 16.02.2022 E-Learning To replay video
Diabetes and Heart Failure: Two Sides of the Same Coin Thu 03.02.2022, 01:00 E-Learning To replay video
Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Grand Rounds - A. Pantazis Tue 18.01.2022 E-Learning To replay video
Royal Brompton & Harefield Hospitals Grand Rounds - M. Giacca Thu 18.11.2021 E-Learning To replay video
Frontiers in Lipid Management: Nucleotide Acid-based Cholesterol-lowering Wed 17.11.2021, 01:00 E-Learning To replay video