Prevention Summit 2019 Berlin: das Zurich Heart House reicht über die Grenze hinaus
Die Prävention ist auch in der Herz- und Kreislaufmedizin von allergrösser Bedeutung. Die Möglichkeiten der Vorbeugung von Herz- und Kreislauferkrankungen in der Primär- wie auch Sekundärprävention haben sich in den letzten Dekaden enorm erweitert
Cardiology Update Davos: a remarkable tradition of postgraduate teaching in cardiovascular medicine
Between February 16th and 20th, 2019, the traditional biannual Cardiology Update Davos was again held at the Congress Centre in Davos under the auspices of the European Society of Cardiology.
For the second time, last December experts from the United Kingdom, Europe, and the United States reviewed the year in cardiology at the Royal Society of Medicine in the heart of London.
Der Schriftsteller Thomas Hürlimann berichtet über seine Krankengeschichte und seine Erlebnisse in diversen Spitälern. Gleichzeitig benotet er die Krankenhäuser wie ein Gastrokritiker mit Sternen.
For the twenty-second time the Cardiology Update Davos, a traditional postgraduate course on cardiovascular medicine, took place on 16–20 February 2019, again supported by the European Society of Cardiology.
The London PCHF ─ A New Postgraduate Course on Heart Failure
The new London Postgraduate course in Heart Failure (THE LONDON PCHF), organised by the Royal Brompton and Harefield Hospitals and its Institute for Medicine and Science with support from the British Cardiovascular Society and the British Society for Heart Failure offers an educational programme at the highest academic and medical level. The Zurich Heart House provides overall professional support for faculty and participants.